Design your life
Have you ever sat down and really asked yourself this question? Most people are aimlessly drifting through life, bouncing from one job to another or one relationship to another, without really designing and planning their life so they can achieve/have/be whatever they actually really desire.
If you live your life this way, kind of like on autopilot, it may feel like you’re being swished around in a washing machine without having any real control or direction over your life. If that’s been the case for you up until this point, it’s time to stop that nonsense right now.
This is your time to press cancel + clear + delete on the life you’ve been living and wipe the slate clean, so you can plan + design + live the life you know deep down you would rather be living.
I highly recommend you take some time for yourself, go to your favourite location, maybe a park or a beach, somewhere out in nature where it’s peaceful and you can really relax and sit with yourself for a while.
Take a notepad and pen, or if you’d rather just enter the information into your phone or other device and write down your thoughts, ideas and whatever else comes to mind when thinking about your ideal life and what it might look like.
Below are some questions that you can use to prompt you to get started, but this is your life and your dream, so write down whatever comes from your heart and soul. That’s the key with this, try not to use your overthinking analytical mind, but rather feel what comes from your heart and soul – they’re two different operating systems. That’s why I suggested you be out in nature as your heart and soul responds better to our natural environment rather than the concrete and electronic world.
When doing this exercise, allow yourself to really dream first. Try not to think within the realms of what’s currently possible, but rather imagine that anything is possible and that you can have absolutely anything your heart desires.
To assist you with this, imagine that you won the lottery and you were given ten million dollars to spend on whatever you liked – houses, cars, holidays, etc., plus you had a regular income from your investments so you never had to worry about earning money ever again.
Now try and imagine your dream life and what it looks like.
Where would I love to be living?
(location – country, city, town, mountains, beach, etc.)
Who would I love to be living with?
(people – single, with friends, a life partner, married, children, etc.)
What would I love to spend my leisure time doing?
(activities – reading, adventures, travel, hobbies, etc.)
How would I enjoy expressing my creativity?
(creative pursuits – music, art, fashion, cooking, photography, etc.)
How would I use my skills and talents to add value to the world?
(passion & purpose – business, career, volunteering, parenting, etc.)
What would my ideal day look like?
(e.g. sunrise beach walk, late breakfast, creative activities, etc.)
What people would I love to interact with?
(community – neighbours, business associates, soul tribe, etc.)
What legacy would I love to leave behind?
(e.g. how would you like people to remember you)
What have I always wanted to try/achieve/do but haven’t yet?
(e.g. write a book, start a business, play an instrument, etc.)
Unfortunately most people don’t allow themselves to really dream a grand dream, because they automatically think they can’t have it due to limiting beliefs and old programming. We’ve been programmed to believe that only the lucky ones can live a life of wealth and luxury and the rest of us have to find a job and work 40 hours a week just to make ends meet.
This is a bullshit lie that we were taught and the cycle needs to stop right now. The truth is we are powerful creative beings with unlimited potential and it’s time to take our power back and create the life of our wildest freaking dreams. It all starts with your belief system – if you believe anything is possible for you, then it is. If you believe the opposite, then unfortunately that will be your reality.
You have the power to create whatever life you want to live. If there is someone out there who is living a life that you wish you were living, then guess what? You can have it too. But first, you need to believe that it’s possible, believe you deserve it, then do everything in your power to create it for yourself.
A lot of people go full steam ahead in pursuit of making money, thinking that by making a lot of money they can then live a life of freedom and luxury. This may be the case for many, but rather than focus on the money, it really pays to focus on what make you happy. I’m a firm believer in pursuing your passions and doing whatever lights you up, then the money will come after that. But this is your life and you get the power to design it however you want – so start dreaming!
A great way to design your dream life, is to reverse engineer it. What do I mean by that? Well, think about your end goal or where you’d like to be at the end of your life, then work your way back and break it down into steps that you would have achieved to reach that point.
Another way to imagine what your end goal might look like, is to think about your own obituary at your funeral. What do you want it to say? What achievements would you like them to read out about your life?
After you really allow yourself to day dream about the most magical life you can envision, it’s a great idea to take some notes and to also create a visual representation of what that life might look like. This is why vision boards are important and do actually work in creating your dream life.
Your subconscious mind works well with repetition, and if you repeatedly look at a particular image (e.g. your dream house on your vision board), it’s going to remember this image and look for representations of it in the physical world around you. Your vision board also helps you to stay focused on your goals, rather than being thrown around in the washing machine of life, being pulled and tugged in different directions by the people around you.
Once you have a clear vision of what you want your future to look like, then you can develop a strategy to create it. The problem is that most people don’t even do the first step, which is why they end up in the washing machine of life and usually spend their time working in a job that doesn’t light them up, which in turn is building someone else’s dream life.
Below are some questions that might assist you to develop your plan or strategy to creating your dream life. If for example, you want to be a multi-millionaire running your own successful business empire, the following questions might be helpful to get started.
Do I need to obtain any new skills?
(e.g. take a course, do some research)
Do I need assistance from others?
(e.g. get a mentor, seek advice from other successful people)
What sort of business do I want to create?
(e.g. selling products or services, digital or face-to face, etc.)
Ask yourself some questions based on what it is you want to achieve.
With your dream life envisioned and mapped out, all you need to do now is to get into alignment and allow yourself to receive. This is a really important part of the process that most people either don’t take into consideration, or they just don’t apply it.
Some people think you need to push, force, hustle, struggle and work really really really hard to make their dreams become reality, but the quickest way is to align with the universe and watch the magic unfold. This doesn’t mean you create a vision board then sit back on the couch and do nothing, you still need to take action on your goals, but in an aligned way that lights you up.
If you’re doing something you hate, day in and day out, just to earn money, it’s not going to result in anything truly extraordinary and you’re not going to be happy along the way. That’s why it’s important to be passionate about what you’re pursuing because it’s supposed to be fun along the way, not just when you get to the end point. It’s like that old saying – life is about the journey, not the destination.
The best and quickest way to get into alignment, is to simply have fun. Whatever makes you happy, makes you feel good, makes you laugh, anything at all that lights you up and makes you feel alive – do that and lots of it. It doesn’t have to have anything to do with your goals, just being at a high vibrational frequency most of the time will naturally attract your deepest desires to you, just like a magnet.
This has everything to do with self-worth. If you don’t think you deserve to be a multi-millionaire even though it’s your strongest desire, then you’re most likely never going to achieve it. This is why reprogramming your subconscious mind and rewiring a new belief system is critical in terms of creating your dream life. You have to believe you deserve it, in order for the universe to serve it – it’s that simple.