Follow the signs
The universe is always communicating with us, it’s just a matter of whether we are aware of it or not. There are many forms of communication but the most common is through universal symbols – otherwise referred to as signs and synchronicities.
This grand universe we live in is constructed of mathematics, geometry and sacred symbols. Once you become aligned with the universe and listen to your intuition, you begin to see signs and synchronicities all around you, that can be used as guide posts or indications of whether you’re on the right track or not.
Your higher self (aka the version of you that is non-physical) can see things from a higher perspective and uses these universal symbols to communicate with you, to ensure you’re on your highest possible timeline. You are the universe expressing itself in human form, so this is a clever way of communicating with your higher self and receiving the support and guidance from the universe that is available to you.
The signs and synchronicities that are available to you are unique to you and your journey. Not everyone will resonate with the same signs and synchronicities as you do, since they are designed to assist you on your individual path. Often the signs or symbols are developed over time once you resonate with something and become aware of it. Then the universe will use this sign or symbol repeatedly to get your attention on a particular topic or guide you back onto your path.
Some of the common signs and synchronicities are animals, repeating numbers, feathers, coins, and other items, along with advertising posters, numberplates, or any number of things that you can use to interpret some form of meaning from. Your higher self will use items that resonate with you personally, so that you are more likely to see the symbolism and understand the meaning behind it, to then guide you on your journey.
You have probably heard of spirit animals or animal tokens, which often refers to a particular animal that has been assigned to you at a particular time in your life, to guide you on your journey and ensure the best possible outcome for you. Some people resonate with one particular spirit animal for their entire lives, whilst others have different animals enter their lives at particular times to assist them through challenging experiences.
There is a spiritual significance assigned to various animals, for example the butterfly symbolises transformation, the owl symbolises wisdom, whilst the ladybeetle symbolises good luck. There are many different meanings associated to the animal kingdom and certain animals often ‘walk with you’ on your path during particular times giving you strength and guidance. The key is to pay attention to what animals are with you at certain times as they are often communicating with you telepathically or just by being in their presence through the energetic fields.
Start paying attention to what animals come into your life during certain times and look up their spiritual significance. It can be really comforting knowing there are other living beings on the planet who are assisting you on your journey, and are actually giving you clues as to whether you’re on the right track or not. Sometimes you won’t actually see the animals in real life, but they will appear as images that you just happen to come across on the internet, through social media, or through any other possible means.
The universe has been designed based on mathematics and sacred geometry so it’s no surprise that numbers play an important role in communicating messages to us. Repeating number sequences have been assigned various meanings that are generally accepted, but you can assign your own meaning or significance to various number sequences as they apply to you. This could also include birth dates or other dates of significance, or any other forms that numbers are represented. You will often see repeated numbers on clocks, number plates, car odometers, or any other places that numbers are displayed.
Below are some examples of repeated numbers and their significance or meaning, but over time you can adapt your own significance to certain numbers as they are repeated over time during certain experiences. The key is to pay attention to what is happening in your life when you see a particular number sequence and notice the patterns of when they occur again and what you are doing at that time. You can then use the numbers to your advantage as a form of communication with the universe to let you know if what you’re doing is for your highest good.
111 = your thoughts are manifesting quickly (also YOU’RE IN ALIGNMENT)
222 = stop worrying, everything is on track (also I LOVE YOU)
333 = the ascended masters are with you (also YOU’RE BEING GUIDED)
444 = angels are supporting you right now (also YOU ARE PROTECTED)
555 = huge changes are up ahead (also TRANSFORMATION UNDERWAY)
666 = change your way of thinking (also DESTRUCTIVE PERCEPTION)
777 = this is a lucky time for you (also MANIFESTING MIRACLES)
888 = abundance and wealth incoming (also MONEY AND PROSPERITY)
999 = things are coming to an end (also CLOSURE & ENDINGS)
000 = new beginnings and a clean slate (also RESET & RECHARGE)
Another way the angelic realm and other spiritual entities (including our ancestors) communicate with us is through coins and feathers. If you happen to notice a coin or feather on your path, rest assured that you are not alone and that your angels or ancestors are with you and guiding you on the right path. These are just an example of things in the material world that the non-physical world uses to communicate with us. As you begin to pay attention, you will notice other items or symbols that your spiritual team will use to get your attention and communicate with you. The key is to be aware of these things as they appear and notice what you are doing or thinking at that particular time. They are all clues that you can piece together like a puzzle to guide you on your journey through life.
Synchronicities can be explained as things in your life that are ‘syncing up’ or ‘aligning’ in a way that cannot be explained by science or reason. Some examples might be when you think about someone for no reason, then receive a phone call from them immediately afterwards, or running into the same person several times in one week. It could also be hearing the same phrase repeatedly, or lyrics of a song that feels like you are receiving a particular message about something.
Other forms of synchronicities could have to do with timing – you’ve heard the phrase ‘being in the right place at the right time’, it could just be that things have lined up perfectly for you by the universe and is not just a coincidence but a cleverly designed set of circumstances that is playing out for your greatest good.
Dreams are another place where you will receive signs and synchronicities since a lot of the messages we receive from the universe are directly through our subconscious mind. Start paying attention to your dreams and perhaps not interpreting them in a logical way, but look at the higher meaning behind them and what messages they might be trying to send you. You can gauge a lot about your dreams by how they make you feel, rather than the specific content of the dream.
Once you start noticing signs and symbols, you will most likely identify some other items that are of special significance to you that the universe will use to communicate with you. These can be any number of things from a certain colour car, to a particular name or street sign, or absolutely anything at all that resonates with you or reminds you of something or someone.
The signs and symbols are there to assist you and to guide you on your path, to ensure you have the best experience possible here on planet earth. Start paying attention and notice the signs, symbols and synchronicities as they appear in your life and you can then begin to use them as a sort of road map through life.